Moffenzeef Modular The Count

Moffenzeef Modular The Count

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The COUNT (BLEH!) is a master clock transport with a rich feature set suitable for a small drum system. User has control over master tempo with coarse and fine adjustments as well as bipolar CV modulation capabilities. There is a range switch which allows the master tempo to toggle from slow to fast speeds. The master clock can be initiliazed with a start/stop switch. Pulse width for all outputs can be controlled with a single knob or bipolar CV.

The five additional outputs at the bottom of the module allow clock sync and distribution to other modules in your system. The START output sends a single pulse when the clock starts to give a reset reference for all other sequencing modules in your system. The four additional outputs are all divisions of the master clock which can be configured with the TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT switches. TOP/BOTTOM switches the divisions from "even" to "odd" metered divisions where as RIGHT/LEFT switches the divisions from "beats" to "bars." Possible divisions are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36. The user also has the additional capability of changing these outputs from upbeat to downbeat with the BEAT switch.

Brand new with warranty.


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