ZVERB is an 8HP collection of all new reverb algorithms developed by Tiptop ranging from typical reverbs to more complex effects that combine delay and pitch shifting with reverb. The effects are grouped by decades based on either the era an algorithm was introduced or the time when the effect was most popular. This variety of reverbs covers small to epic size spaces with the addition of shimmering, feedback tunneled pitch shifting, tape delay drivers, gated reverbs and a lot more. Analogue clocking of the DSP chip and CV over the parameters enables even more experimentation.
Includes original box and ribbon cable.
Video: https://youtu.be/QeT_peyvO4c
Product Specs
- Item Number: 33720
- Make: Tiptop Audio
- Model: ZVERB Black
- Condition: Very Good
- Finish: Black
- Categories: keyboards-and-synths ⇒ eurorack
- Function: Digital Effect Reverb
- Year: 2019
- Made In: United States
- MPN: 33720
- Modular Grid: Eurorack ⓘ +
- Dimensions*: 8 HP 40 mm deep
- Power*: 130 mA +12V 20 mA -12V 0 mA 5V
* User contributed details