Plaits is the successor of Mutable Instruments’ most popular voltage-controlled sound source, Braids. Not just a mkII version; its hardware and software have been redesigned from scratch.
Includes ribbon cable.
Product Specs
- Item Number: 33337
- Make: Mutable Instruments
- Model: Plaits
- Condition: Very Good
- Finish: Silver
- Categories: keyboards-and-synths ⇒ eurorack
- Function: Noise Oscillator Synth Voice Drum Digital
- Year: 2018
- Made In: France
- MPN: 33337
- Modular Grid: Eurorack ⓘ +
- Dimensions*: 12 HP 25 mm deep
- Power*: 50 mA +12V 5 mA -12V 0 mA 5V
* User contributed details