The Caroline Haymaker is a TS-style overdrive that is merely TS-sounding. Built upon a secret preamp designed in Caroline Labs based on their Kilobyte Lo-Fi delay, the Haymaker is a transparent-ish sounding boost that has enough gain & midrange to rock any house down.
Product Specs
- Item Number: 33259
- Make: Caroline
- Model: Haymaker
- Condition: Very Good
- Finish: Green
- Categories: effects-and-pedals ⇒ overdrive-and-boost ⇒ pedal
- Function: PreAmp Distortion
- Year: 2010s
- Made In: United States
- MPN: 33259
- Modular Grid: Pedals ⓘ +
- Dimensions*: 93 mm wide 119 mm high
- Power*: ? mA / ? V AC/DC
* User contributed details