TipTop Audio Vortex - ART Wavetable Dual Oscilator

TipTop Audio Vortex - ART Wavetable Dual Oscilator

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The VORTEX is a dual-oscillator, ART wavetable mono voice generator designed for crafting polyphonic and multi-voice patches. It achieves its harmonically rich output through the use of two vintage 80s D/A converters, enriching your filters and effects processors with its sound. It's pre-equipped with a multitude of wavetables, with the option to load additional user-defined wavetables via an SD card accessible from the front panel. A detune control adjusts the pitch of the second oscillator, offering effects ranging from deep phasing to sub-octave sounds. The position control and CV input enable wave selection from the wavetables and introduce vibrato effects through LFO-generated FM. True to ART design, VORTEX features a dedicated Gate output for precise voice envelope management or synchronized modulation. It stands as an essential tool for those invested in digital synthesis, complementing the analog prowess of the ATX1.

Video: https://youtu.be/o1zbWCj3GsA

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