Bubblesound SEM20st

Bubblesound SEM20st

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The Bubblesound SeM20st is a version of their first module, the excellent SeM20 dual filter, now specifically oriented for stereo signal processing. The same smooth, warm, and Oberheim-esque architecture beloved in the SeM20 is back in a slimmer, compact size with a handful of new tricks to maximise its stereo tone-shaping potential.

The left input is normalled to the right for convenient stereo use, making it easy to use both filter channels with a single mono input. CV inputs are also normalled from left to right for controlling both sides' cutoff and resonance simultaneously. An offset control is available for the left side cutoff frequency, adding an asymmetrical skew to the filter effect that widens your stereo image. Right-side cutoff control is equipped with an attenuverter, allowing for both attenuation and inversion of the signal. With the right CV inverted, ping-pong style effects may be achieved with a single LFO applied to the left side.

With four outputs per channel, lots of handy CV possibilities for stereo processing, and the classic analog sound that made the SeM20 Eurorack filter stand above its peers, the SeM20st is a hit for all your stereo-filtering needs.


  • Stereo analog Eurorack filter
  • Left input normalled to right for convenient mono-to-stereo processing
  • Left-side cutoff frequency offset widens stereo image
  • Left-side CV inputs normalled to right-side inputs
  • Right-side cutoff frequency CV pot attenuverts for inverse modulation and stereo ping-pong effects
  • CV control of resonance
  • Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and notch filter outputs for each channel

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