XOR Electronics Multi-IO Expander - Black

XOR Electronics Multi-IO Expander - Black

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The Multi-IO Expander for the NerdSEQ adds three different MIDI Ports, two I2C Ports and some additional edit possibilities to the NerdSEQ.

IO Ports:

  • USB Host > Connect any Midi Class Compliant gear like a Launchpad, Midi Keyboard and more
  • USB Device > Connect to your Computer and get a new XOR Midi Device for direct Computer NerdSEQ MIDI communication
  • TRS-A Midi > Classic Midi connection using a stereo jack cable (adapters for DIN Midi Connectors included)
  • 2 x I2C Ports > Each can be either leader or follower. Connect your I2C capable module (eg 16n, ER301, distingEX, Just Friends and others) and access 100 virtual patch-cables. Both ports are located on the backside of the module but one port is also additionally located on the front (to connect an external 16n faderbox for example).
  • Additional Buttons and an encoder Knob -> New edit modes, dial in notes and more!


Please note: the NerdSEQ is required to use this module.

The Multi-IO includes a power buscable, 12 pin ribbon cable for the midi connection and 2 TRS-A to DIN Midi connectors. Additional Du-Pont Cables for I2C are available for separate purchase.

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