4MS Dual EnvVCA

4MS Dual EnvVCA

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The 4MS Shaped Dual EnvVCA is an 8HP, two-channel analog envelope generator with waveshapers and a stereo linear VCA. Unlike conventional analog envelope modules, the waveform of each envelope can be controlled with a slider or CV without changing the envelope timing.
It features a wide time range from an hour to 2.5kHz, a plethora of CV inputs and attenuverters and can be used as an LFO, audio-rate oscillator, slew limiter, waveshaper, ASR/ADSR/complex EG, independent audio/CV VCA, envelope follower, sidechain processor, and general utility module.
Each channel has dedicated linear outputs plus attenuverters and offset controls for the variable waveshape outputs, making it an ideal modulation source and stereo VCA.


  • 100% analog
  • Versatile linear, exponential, and logarithmic envelope generator/LFO
  • Low-noise, low-distortion, DC-coupled linear VCAs
  • Sliders and Range switches control Rise and Fall times from ~2ms to > 2 min.
  • Time CV jack extends time range: ~400µs (2.5kHz) to ~1 hour
  • Independent attenuverters for Rise and Fall time
  • Blue/Red LEDs indicate strength and polarity
  • Shape Slider, CV Jack and Attenuverters for fading between Exponential, Linear and
  • Logarithmic envelope shapes without changing the envelope timing
  • Cycle buttons for looping envelopes (LFO)
  • Trigger input jack and switch for toggling between AR, ASR, and Cycle modes of triggering
  • EOR/F (End of Rise/Fall) gate outputs can be used to chain and sequence events
  • Env Level and Offset knobs scale and shift Env Out without changing VCA volume
  • Audio In and Out jacks for passing audio or CV through the VCA
  • Follow input jacks allow for slew limiting, ADSRs, and interesting filtering effects
  • Re-trig jumpers allow for re-triggering during rise phase

Video: https://youtu.be/thP-QcBpZWo

Product Specs