Eventide Omnipressor 2830AU - Dynamics Processor Compressor
Eventide Omnipressor 2830AU - Dynamics Processor Compressor
Eventide Omnipressor 2830AU - Dynamics Processor Compressor
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Eventide Omnipressor 2830AU - Dynamics Processor Compressor
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Eventide Omnipressor 2830AU - Dynamics Processor Compressor

Eventide Omnipressor 2830AU - Dynamics Processor Compressor

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The 50th anniversary Model 2830AU Omnipressor is a professional-quality dynamic modifier, combining the functions of an analog compressor, expander, noise gate, and limiter in one package. Its dynamic reversal feature makes high-level input signals lower than corresponding low-level inputs. Musically, this reverses the attack-decay envelope of plucked strings, drums, and similar instruments and gives the effect of “talking backward” when applied to a voice signal. The new 50th anniversary model incorporates professional Lundahl transformers on both input and output, a switchable active-balanced side-chain, stereo and master linking capability and a mix control for parallel compression applications. Balanced/unbalanced XLR and TRS options are provided throughout.


  • Replicates the form, function, and sound of a '70s-era blackface Model 2830 Omnipressor
  • Offers dynamics processing with a unique character
  • Dynamic reversal simulates tape reversal making soft signals loud and loud signals quiet
  • Gating squashes the amplitude of signals that fall below a set threshold
  • Expansion widens a signal's dynamic range
  • Compression with variable control of ratio
  • Infinite compression makes all signals come out at the same level
  • Delivers super-fast limiting
  • Function control sets a ratio over a continuous range, enabling extreme expansion to infinite compression, and is able to push further into dynamic reversal
  • Variable control of attack and release times; variable maximum gain and attenuation
  • Sidechaining allows you to drive the unit with another audio source
  • Enables you to link multiple units
  • Includes input and output transformers — a costly option on the original hardware
  • Universal power supply works anywhere in the world
  • Easy-to-read backlit meter
  • Practical TRS/XLR connectors

Video: https://youtu.be/28XkIiTV_ug

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