‘O/A/x2’ is a dual channel attenuverter with each channel also including a bipolar voltage offset and LED monitoring. The module is primarily intended for fine grain flexible ‘editing’ of control signals (i.e changing the phase, level and DC offset of an LFO signal) but also has uses with audio signals such as attenuation, inversion and mixing.
Video: https://youtu.be/vm6WFgRPqjA
Product Specs
- Item Number: 7938
- Make: ALM Busy Circuits
- Model: O/A/x2
- Condition: Brand New
- Finish: Silver
- Categories: keyboards-and-synths ⇒ eurorack
- Function: Attenuator Dual/Stereo Mixer Polarizer Utility
- Made In: United Kingdom
- MPN: ALM010
- Modular Grid: Eurorack ⓘ +
- Dimensions*: 4 HP 32 mm deep
- Power*: 50 mA +12V 50 mA -12V ? mA 5V
* User contributed details