Bubblesound HEXa(s)r

Bubblesound HEXa(s)r

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The HEXa(s)r from Bubblesound Instrument is a six-channel AD (attack/decay) or AR/ASR (attack/sustain/release) envelope generator geared towards complex modulation generation. Each of the channels has a gate input, a switch to select between AD (labeled "AR") and ASR modes, attack and decay controls, and individual output. It also features three mixed outputs: 1-3, 4-6, and an all mix output, for a total of nine outputs. While each of the six channels are independent, they feature normalizations of the gate signals that cascade vertically. Patch envelope outputs back into other channels' gate inputs for gate delay effects and to add complexity to the mix outputs.

Video: https://youtu.be/GTSizCDnaOc

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