Ritual Electronics Crypta

Ritual Electronics Crypta

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The Ritual Electronics Crypta is a 1U - 18HP delay module (Intellijel format) built around the PT2399 chip and pushed to its limits in true Ritual style.
From crisp, resonator-like delays (20ms minimum) to glitchy, extreme delays up to 4 seconds, Crypta might be the longest delay you can get from a commercially available PT-based module.
The delay time is fully CV controllable, with a dedicated attenuator on the input. Crypta shines in chorus, flanger, and tremolo-like pitch bending when controlled by an LFO.
The feedback control behaves smoothly throughout most of the range, with self-oscillation kick- ing in beyond 90% of the knobā€™s travel. The module also features a unique ā€œPoubelleā€ switch (French for ā€œtrash canā€), which routes the signal through circuit-bent paths, transforming the delay into a fuzzed-out, harsh noise machine.

Video: https://youtu.be/X4n953owLTs

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