Phase Engineering LEQ-5 Eurorack Bass Equaliser

Phase Engineering LEQ-5 Eurorack Bass Equaliser

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The LEQ-5 is a focused 5 band inductor equaliser made to bolster sweet spots across the bass spectrum. Inductor based EQ's can produce a compressed saturation reminiscent of tape saturation. The boost and cut can be incredibly clean but dialling up will yield a smooth saturation at the desired frequencies. Placing the LEQ-5 at the end of a bass voice gives you the opportunity to increase the attack and hit of the note with some higher frequency boost or add presence to your subs, or both. All EQ bands have 15 dB of gain which remain clean if properly gain staged but can still access some grit if pushed. The module features no CV control as it is intended to be an end of chain equaliser. Though intended for bass it has a great response across the frequency range.


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