The Passive Optically-Controlled Attenuator, or P.O.C.A., is designed to give a set of vactrol-based gates in a compact-but-usable module. Its four gates can be set to act as low-pass-gates, or normal optically-controlled attenuators (for a "VCA" type action) via jumpers on the rear of the module. CV is normalled in a downwards fashion, so that control signals input to the top gate can effect the gate at the bottom.
Comes with 12 month warranty.
Video: https://youtu.be/ZAWjRXnLTAk
Product Specs
- Item Number: 2573
- Make: Future Sound Systems
- Model: P.O.C.A VAC1
- Condition: Brand New
- Finish: Black
- Categories: keyboards-and-synths ā eurorack
- Function: Low Pass Gate VCA Quad
- Made In: United Kingdom
- MPN: 160801301056023
- Modular Grid: Eurorack ā ļ¼
- Dimensions*: 6 HP 32 mm deep
- Power*: Module does not draw current
* User contributed details