XAOC Devices Berlin 1989 Numeric Oscillator

XAOC Devices Berlin 1989 Numeric Oscillator

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Xaoc Devices Berlin is a compact VCO offering square and saw waves, hard sync, FM input, and octave switching. Its standout feature is the Leibniz Binary Subsystem interface (LBZ in/out), accessible via the LBZ LINK button and gate input. This interface allows integration with other Leibniz modules, transforming the saw wave into a vintage-style wavetable oscillator with experimental potential. Berlin operates similarly to classic PPG Wave and Fairlight CMI synths, using a variable sample rate that prevents aliasing across its entire frequency range (30 seconds in LFO mode to 250 kHz, with a clock speed up to 20 MHz). With voltage control over all parameters, Berlin is highly versatile, capable of producing a wide array of unique waveforms.

Video: https://youtu.be/aldJHHhlnWY

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