Olivella Modular Gravedad Semi-Complex Oscillator

Olivella Modular Gravedad Semi-Complex Oscillator

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GRAVEDAD (/grah-veh-dahd/, gravity) is a feature-packed, analogue semi-complex oscillator with through-zero FM, an F-A-T stereo sub-harmonic generator, a voltage-controllable octave slider and excellent tracking up to 10 octaves, opening up an entire universe of sonic possibilities.

At the heart of GRAVEDAD is a super-stable triangle core VCO, featuring not only incredible tracking and temperature compensation but also clean sine, sawtooth, and square wave outputs. 

Whether you need a VC clock divider, an attack-only envelope generator, a sub for an external oscillator, or a tool for any kind of signal generation, GRAVEDAD is your gateway to cosmic innovation.

  • 12 HP
  • Depth: 32 mm
  • 2 mm anodised aluminium panel
  • Input impedances: 50 kΩ (V/OCT), all others 100 kΩ
  • Output impedance: 510 Ω
  • +12V: 110mA
  • -12V: 110mA
  • Reverse-polarity power protection

Video: https://youtu.be/RIHv8faZvkk

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