Empress set out to top their famous initial foray into pedal compression with a full range of features and controls normally only seen in high end studio equipment, such as input and gain reduction metering, independent attack and release controls, a mix knob for parallel compression, an external sidechain insert, fully variable sidechain high pass filter, and a two position ‘tone + colour’ circuit which adds gentle tone sculpting and harmonic distortion, giving your bass some delicious character.
Video: https://youtu.be/YIvl8Y1KqQI
Product Specs
- Item Number: 16341
- Make: Empress
- Model: Bass Compressor MkII - Blue
- Condition: Brand New
- Finish: Blue
- Categories: effects-and-pedals ⇒ bass-pedals ⇒ pedal
- Function: Bass Dynamics
- Made In: Canada
- UPC: 850040850222
- Modular Grid: Pedals ⓘ +
- Dimensions*: 66 mm wide 122 mm high
- Power*: 100 mA / 9 V DC / Negative Center
* User contributed details