Found Sound has moved!

We are pleased to announce that Found Sound has relocated to a new physical store/warehouse in Brunswick East!
It’s a little sad to leave behind all that we have established in our Carlton store, but we are extremely excited about the possibilities our new home will provide.
With a spacious new showroom, off street parking and lots of exciting new things in the works, we are looking forward to welcoming you as soon as public health restrictions allow.
The in store experience isn’t quite ready yet, but all click-and-collect orders, deliveries and repairs will begin at the new location from tomorrow, Friday the 15th of October. If you have an order to collect, please give us a buzz on 0407 462 223 to ensure your order is ready before heading over.
The new address is:
Found Sound Pty Ltd
110 Albert Street
Brunswick East, VIC 3057
Only 9 minutes drive according to Google Maps:
We are really looking forward to seeing you soon!