Grendel Formant Filter

Grendel Formant Filter

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The Grendel Formant Filter has three control voltage (CV) inputs: Size, Articulator X, and Articulator Y, which are optimized for 5 volt analog control signals, but can accept up to +/-10 volts.
The Size parameter moves all four BPFs in parallel, which affects the overall size of the filter’s ‘mouth’, from oversized to midget.
Articulators X and Y work together to select vowel tones from a two-dimensional map related to the IPA Vowel Chart. For optimum control, these inputs can be connected to an analog joystick controller or two channels of a MIDI-CV converter. The ideal voltage range for controlling Articulators X and Y is +/- 2.5 volts, or 0..+5 volts.
Suggested signal sources for the CV inputs are LFO, envelope generator, MIDI-CV converter, analog joystick controller, etc.


  • Size Control
  • Size CV Input
  • Articulator X Control
  • Articulator X CV Input
  • Articulator Y Control
  • Articulator Y CV Input
  • Gain Control
  • Audio In/Out


Product Specs