Nymphes is a six voice analogue synthesiser with a simple, hands on user interface & digital reverb.
It features a single oscillator and a sub-oscillator. The primary oscillator has a waveform parameter that allows you to easily shape the waveform from one to another. It also features a noise generator and a resonance capable 24dB lowpass filter with accurate tracking and a 6dB high pass filter.
For modulation, it features two ADSR envelopes and two multi-wave LFOs (1 per voice + 1 generic). The generic LFO (LFO 2) can target any and all parameters with a varied amount to each one at the same time. It is a versatile modulation source that goes up into the FM range, with five waveforms, a key track, and fade in/out.
Includes original packaging, 5pin DIN to mini-jack midi converter, 5v USB-A PSU.
Video: https://youtu.be/Bns0V_vklSI
Product Specs
- Item Number: 32910
- Make: Dreadbox
- Model: Nymphes
- Condition: Excellent
- Finish: Blue
- Categories: keyboards-and-synths ⇒ analog-synths
- Function: Reverb Synth Voice
- Made In: Greece
- MPN: 32910
- Modular Grid: Pedals ⓘ +
- Dimensions*: 240 mm wide 125 mm high
- Power*: 1000 mA / 5 V AC/DC
* User contributed details