The Wiard Envelator a versatile dual slope linear function generator with voltage-controllable attack and decay slopes. Outputs include the envelope, its inverse (negative-going), a voltage step signal during attack, and a decay phase pulse. The mode switch offers three settings: AR for sustained level until GATE goes low, AD for immediate decay post-attack, and Cycle for re-triggering via end pulse feedback, converting the Envelator output into a shaped triangle waveform LFO. In Cycle mode, SQR acts as a square wave LFO, its pulse width adjustable via A and D controls, and suitable for clocking applications. Unleash dynamic modulation possibilities with precision control.
Product Specs
- Item Number: 31944
- Make: Malekko
- Model: Wiard Envelator
- Condition: Very Good
- Finish: Silver
- Categories: keyboards-and-synths ⇒ eurorack
- Function: Clock Generator CV Modulation Envelope Generator Function Generator LFO
- Made In: United States of America
- MPN: 31944
- Modular Grid: Eurorack ⓘ +
- Dimensions*: 10 HP 25 mm deep
- Power*: 35 mA +12V 35 mA -12V 0 mA 5V
* User contributed details